Friday, September 3, 2010

How to Make a Dance Party (Chain Reaction)

In my Space Research class we have been working on a chain reaction for the past week or so. What the reaction creates--a dance party! This was a really fun project. It was based off of Peter Fischli and David Weiss' chain reaction film.
The whole video is about 20 minutes long, we watched it on the first day of class. Here's a clip:

We also watched the Honda Cog commercial:

And lastly, an OK Go music video:

Using those videos as inspiration, our assignment was to create a chain reaction as a class. We each had to think of a step to contribute and coordinate with the person before and after us in the reaction to make sure they would work together. I volunteered to film and edit the video for the class. Just like Fischli and Weiss' video, there are a few obvious edits. It was really tough to get each step to cooperate!

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