Monday, February 21, 2011

Fiber Crafts

My project class this semester (like my short photography class last semester) finished up last week. We had just one project in the class. The assignment was to create a self-portrait using at least 3 fabrics, a found object, and using hand stitching. I decided to try and portray communication because I have a heavy interest in it and it is universal to all beings. I have centered projects around this idea recently...apparently it's on my mind! Communication-whether through body language, words, or actions-is the way we function; it's what holds us together. So! I made a "two cans and a string" that we played with when we were kids but I used fabric and paper as materials. I ripped up some small paper cups and sewed the pieces together to make a bigger paper cup. But then I covered the cups in soaked and wrinkled paper (from my UNIV 111 textbook, to be specific) so you can no longer see the sewing underneath. I then braided strips of cloth and twisted the braids together. After attaching the cups to the braids on each end, I twisted and sewed a few strips of the textbook into the strands of cloth.

I like the textures of the final product and the general idea behind it but I don't think it turned out as successfully as it could have. The braids in the middle should have been longer, for one. I'm not totally bummed about the project though because I discovered some new textures and techniques I can use in future projects.

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