In my digital photo class we got together with partners and discussed concepts that we would like to explore through photography. Then, using the information that our partner gave us, we were told to free-write describing the photograph that you imagine your partner taking. Here's what my partner assigned for me. I did my best with the time and resources I had to match her description.
“Ok, for Zoe's assignment I imagined her taking a photograph that dramatizes the differences between generations. Someone who's alone in a nursing home is going to have a totally different view on the world than a college student. I imagine an old woman or man sitting in a wheelchair in their bedroom. The walls would be stark and everything would be clean with small trinkets on shelves. The lighting would be very clean and white. Then I imagined a college student sitting in his/her room. The room would be messy and cluttered with posters and pictures all over the walls. The lighting would be warmer. Then I imagined these two photographs juxtaposed together so the viewer can compare the differences in the way each lives.”