Saturday, October 8, 2011

First two digital projects

Hey everyone! Between jobs, more classes, living off campus and cooking my own food, and having my dog Cody with me this year, I haven't had nearly as much free time as last year. Consequently, I always forget to post. But finally, here's something. These are the first two projects that I have turned in for my digital photography class.

The first was an attempt to find places where light and color exist in harmony to create the composition of the shot. Of the three images, I think the first is the most successful. The second two fulfill the project requirements but don't go much further than that, I don't think.

My second big assignment was to think of a photograph that I'm scared to take. I decided that I get most nervous as a photographer when I am faced with people that are in pain or grief. It feels intrusive or detached to put a camera between me and a person in despair. But alas, these are the situations that I need to get over in order to be a fearless photographer. I thought about trying to shoot in a hospital but decided I would definitely be told to leave without any sort of permission to be there. I tried to photograph a bad auto accident near my house the other night but was promptly told to "GO!" when I couldn't present a press pass. Finally, I discovered a small adult day care center.

I drove by it one day and decided to stop in. I met the owner, a very enthusiastic woman who was thrilled at the idea of me coming to shoot. In fact, she even wants me to do a shoot with her so she can have some portraits of herself. I offered a trade- pictures of her patients for pictures of her. So this afternoon I came back with my camera.
This is Ron. A few moments after I took this picture, I introduced myself and asked him what his name was. He told me, asked me how old I was, and if I would marry him...all in the same breath! I told him I was 19. He thought he could probably deal with that.
Once I get a chance, I will scan in the prints from my last couple b&w class projects. I've been spending mucho time in the darkroom lately!

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